Starting a Job

Advice and Tips to Help You Find A New Job

What Women Should Consider Before Working From Home
Working from home is an attractive choice for many women today. It sounds appealing to be able to work flexible hours and not have to
What You Should Know Before Starting a New Job
Let us suppose you just held an interview with a company for a position which sounds great, the salary is better than you expected, and
Why Believing Your Own Hype Will Make You Choke Under Pressure
The stories are legendary. Abraham Lincoln loses his run for the Senate… twice. And goes on to become our greatest president. A young Robert De
Why Employees Deserve Proper Training When Starting a New Job
Over the years I have managed a lot of employees and learnt a lot in the process. In my opinion it is important to start
Working from Home: Set Parameters
Mary Smith sits at her computer finishing an article for the local newspaper. Jeremy Rogers hits “send,” and a problem on a computer over a
Your Resume – Pragmatism or Prose?
While there are many fantastic resume writers plying their trade, there are also those who might perhaps be better suited to other forms of writing.
Preparing for a Job Interview: A Guide to Help You Get Ready
Getting a job, let alone the right job, has been challenging and often a very daunting task due to the economic downturn persisting for the
Strategically Starting a New Job
You spent weeks sending out cover letters and resumes; you sweated through interview after interview; you waited by the phone for hours with your fingers

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